Oh my God!!! My main hard drive, 1.5 T, has just died. It says there is nothing on there, zero. I cannot tell you how much work there was on there, 2 years at least, and in this past year I have created hundreds of designs for all sorts of things as I have at the same time, been learning more about the amazing facilities available in digital designing - all gone! I am distraught. I am praying one of these I.T. whizz kids can retrieve the information for me. Most of my source material is gone too. A couple of months ago I bought a 2 TB hard drive to copy this one on to and kept meaning to but had no reason to worry. I had umpteen little reminders to do it the week before it died. Always, always back up your work. Can anyone tell me what 'Cloud' is? I need more I.T. instruction.
I am taking it in to the 'expert' tomorrow so fingers crossed, legs crossed.