Monday, 2 September 2013

'REVOLUTION'. Opening a new collection of Pure Silk' WEARABLE ART'

'WEARABLE ART'  My new collection of silk scarves arrived, 'REVOLUTION' and I couldn't wait to open them.  Created for the strong woman, and our multi-cultural society.  I imagine these selling in Europe, London etc.  The inspiration for these unique and special designs was four-fold. 

'ANGELS'  (lovat)
 Quality Crepe de Chine silk scarf before sewing as I opened the parcel.

1.  Firstly, my visit to the David Hockney exhibition at the Royal Academy, London. encouraged me to be brave with colour, dynamism and originality.  His use of purple with lime green, orange with scarlet etc. blew me away.  His talent and inovation has to be inspiring.


2.    I love working in meditation, surrounding myself with an array of brushes, tools etc. and working directly        onto the silk.  The study of 'Zen' linked with a love of Japanese culture and the work of the Masters.       Working from the 'Soul Centre rather than with the eyes' created beautiful imagery of Angels, butterflies etc. which I was able to transfer into the computer to create wearable art.  Working in meditation from Sound was amazing.

90 cm silk scarf awaiting cutting and sewing

3.  Copying these 'Zen' images and working with them digitally is exciting.  It has taken me some time to be happy with computer creation but recently, I realised that the method is not important as long as you are being creative and working from the Soul, interacting with drawing and 'hands-on' design.  My next phase will be screen printed images with 'free' design created in Healing Meditation.

90cm, Crepe de Chine Silk Scarf

4.  And my fourth inspiration - the backs of road tankers!!   Again the Japanese influence, geometry, the circle, Japanese culture, asymmetric design placed in space.  And when I discovered that tankers carry liquid chocolate - well, if that's not inspiring......?  I will have to show you 'The Birth of Chocolate'

'REVOLUTION' collection

Pure Silk Long wrap 45cms. x 183cms

Another scarf created from images drawn directly onto the silk in meditation

'COSMIC TANKERS'  Pure silk Art Scarf. 90 x 90cms.
Whale Tankers allowed me to photograph tankers whilst being made.  Some of the pieces
are as striking as an Anish Kapoor sculpture.  I saw the 'zen' in the roundness of the backs
of road tankers and especially loved working with the septic tanker.  To make a stunning silk 
knowing it was a septic tanker, but up to me to make it beautiful, was a Joy and a challenge.

'Cosmic Tankers' scarlet and black

Sunday, 1 September 2013


After a great productive day in my textiles studio, sheep maaing at the back door, I was delighted to find inspiration right outside my door.  My new collection of silks, 'Revolution' arrived and I was excited to open the parcel.  Outside the door my Acer was covered in raindrops as was my hanging basket.  Armed only with my little Fujifilm, I took a few pictures.
A single raindrop.

And several raindrops.
Raindrops on a scarlet geranium
And a pink geranium