Sunday 7 June 2009


My last entry reminded me of my study of birds, noting how they spread their wings, the beautiful colours, their antics and personality.

The seagull has such bad press. There is something evil and yet characterful about him.. I remember tucking into a pasty in St. Ives when suddenly it was whipped from my hands. Their eyes say it all. So I sat and studied a group of seagulls, frolicking, scratching and preening their feathers. After a while, they became individuals.

Where is the orchestra?

I am so beautiful!

I can't quite reach.................

Seagull gown idea.

Why am I so enthralled with 'cutout'? I have always wanted to be a Textile Designer and Printer and 'see' images in a flat plane. On my B.A. (Hons.) at Farnham, my supporting study was Photography. This vision comes through in my work, the flat plane, placing the shapes within a rectangle, clipping and isolating 'design' and that love of asymmetric imagery.

And there is my desire to work from movement and sound.

Bird in the garden.

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